July 2021 ECS eNewsletter
In This Issue
ECS Imaging News & Events
> Announcing ECS Imaging’s Annual Transform Customer Conference 2021 (October 19, 20, and 21, 2021)
> ECS July Training Webinar – eSignatures: July 14, 2021 (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST)
> ECS Employee Spotlight – Brian Grove, Senior Business Analyst and Training Specialist
> ECS Monthly Tips & Tricks – Enabling Auditing on Users and Groups
Laserfiche News & Events
> Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 1 and Laserfiche Quick Fields 11 Now Available
> Coming Soon to Laserfiche Cloud in Q3
> Laserfiche Recognized as a Strong Performer in Independent Analyst Report on Content Platform Providers
> Laserfiche Spark 2021 Registration Now Open!
Product News
> Make Scanning Simple with PaperStream ClickScan from Fujitsu
Online Laserfiche Resources
> New eBook: The Business Continuity Playbook for Higher Education
> Upcoming Laserfiche Webinars
> Links to Online Laserfiche Resources

Announcing ECS Imaging’s Virtual Annual Transform Customer Conference 2021
SAVE THE DATES – October 19 – 21 (9:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
October 19, 2021 – Industry Insights
October 20, 2021 – Laserfiche Client 101
October 21, 2021 – Laserfiche Forms
Download Flyer
Registration will be open later for this virtual training conference!

ECS July Training Webinar – eSignatures
Wednesday, July 14, 2021 (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST)
Learn about eSignatures integrated with Laserfiche using ViewSign Cloud technology. Integrations with Laserfiche Forms, Workflow, and other systems.
Laserfiche can be the starting and ending point for the document signing experience whether on a Laserfiche self-hosted or Cloud platform. ViewSign Cloud provides Laserfiche users powerful and flexible remote signing options to meet any use case. ViewSign Cloud provides multiple ways to create documents for signing including database and csv lookups, Laserfiche API calls and an Office Integration. Join our webinar to see it in action.
Download Flyer Register Here
Link to additional information about this integrated solution here

ECS Employee Spotlight – Brian Grove, Senior Business Analyst & Training Specialist
Senior Business Analyst and Training Specialist
Gold Certified Professional
22 Years of Industry Experience
With ECS Team since 2017
Brian is a dedicated Laserfiche champion for over 22 years. His passion and technical expertise are a great combination in producing innovative solutions. He provides in depth trainings and develops complex automated business processes with Laserfiche Forms, Workflow, Quick Fields, Invoice Capture and Connector tools. He has a depth of experience analyzing and consulting on paper-based processes to transform them into Laserfiche automated methods. Brian will be providing insightful trainings in our upcoming monthly webinars, we encourage everyone to join. His story telling abilities, careful attention to details and a comprehensive expertise will provide an all-encompassing experience. You may even catch a glimpse of a scuba diving story while you are taking a deep dive into Laserfiche. We are proud of his expertise and devotion to ECS and Laserfiche. Our customers who get the opportunity to work with him will be well pleased!
As Senior Business Analyst and Training Specialist, Brian brings to ECS Imaging a depth of Laserfiche product knowledge that provides a true advantage to our customers. His in-depth knowledge of the Laserfiche product suite coupled with his subject matter expertise gives our customers the knowledge and understanding to utilize the fullest potential of Laserfiche and successfully accomplish their daily tasks.
Laserfiche Gold Certification
Getting Started with Laserfiche 10
Capture – Laserfiche 10
Using Laserfiche Forms 10
Designing Laserfiche Forms 10
Creating a Quick Fields Session – Laserfiche 10
System Administrator I & II – Laserfiche 10

Enabling Auditing on Users and Groups
Laserfiche Audit Trail lets you keep track of what’s going on in the repository. For example, you can see who is deleting documents, modifying metadata, starting business processes, and more. This is how you can enable auditing on specific users and groups.
> On the Management Page, click Users to enable auditing on specific users, or Groups to enable auditing on specific groups.
> Search for the User or Group you want to audit and click it.
> In the Pane on the right, click Auditing. You will see a list of event groups that can be tracked. Actions are grouped into event groups based on the event type (For example, the Export and Print event group includes the Export Briefcase, Export Document, and Print Document actions).
> You can also track if the actions in an event group are performed successfully or if they failed.
> If you want the User or Group to inherit audit settings from the group they belong to, select the Inherit audit settings from group membership option at the top. Otherwise select the check boxes under success and/or failure for the events you want tracked.
> Click Save.
For a list of Events that can be tracked, please see Event Descriptions
Event Descriptions Watch Video
User Manual
Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 1 and Laserfiche Quick Fields 11 Now Available
Laserfiche Forms 11 Update 1
As part of Laserfiche 11, Forms 11 introduced a new drag-and-drop layout designer experience to more simply put fields side-by-side, adjust fields widths and more. Forms 11 Update 1 brings further enhancements to the latest form designer, as well as security updates, including:
Updates to the new layout designer
> Classic form conversion: Convert forms previously designed with the classic form designer to the more user-friendly form layout designer experience.
> Offline mobile app support: Input data and save form drafts offline via the mobile app to continue working on the go even in areas with limited internet service.
> Expanded lookup capabilities: Fill tables and collections with lookup results as new rows or sets to reduce manual data entry.
> Backend validation: Revalidate form inputs on the backend to make sure they all meet the configured criteria.
Security updates
> Granular access rights for data sources: Manage user access to relevant data sources to maintain information control and enable more flexibility for citizen developers to design and import processes with lookups.
> User lockout for public form drafts: Configure a maximum number of failed sign-in attempts to a public draft before enforcing lockout to prevent unauthorized access.
> High-security mode for running lookups from the DMZ: Perform lookups as part of external forms hosted in the DMZ without directly accessing the internal network by using the routing service as a proxy.
Laserfiche Quick Fields 11
Quick Fields now includes a more streamlined log-in experience with SAML SSO support. Other Laserfiche desktop-based applications, including Scanning, Snapshot and Connector already support SAML with the Laserfiche 11 release.
Release resources
Download Forms 11 Update 1 Download Quick Fields 11
Coming Soon to Laserfiche Cloud in Q3
> Surveys added to the home screen: Convenient access for citizen developers to design and monitor surveys from the Laserfiche home screen view.
> Use file sets in the new form layout designer: Configure a specific set of relevant files to collect on a form to ease content capture, approvals and compliance. This is useful in processes like new account opening where a specific set of files needs to be uploaded, reviewed or signed by an applicant.
> Classic form conversion: Convert forms previously designed with the classic designer to the latest, more user-friendly form layout designer experience.
Targeted for late Q3/Q4
> Automated task notifications for Microsoft Teams: Speed up process completion times by sending task notifications and approvals directly to Teams chats where they will be more immediately seen and acted upon.
> Project-based Security for Process Automation: More effectively manage access rights based on role or team by defining projects that group related processes, workflows, rules and other process automation resources together.
> JavaScript support for forms: Further customize form appearance and behavior by adding custom JavaScript to forms built using the latest form layout designer.
> Laserfiche API OAuth 2.0 support: OAuth is a SaaS industry-standard protocol that allows secure authorization between applications over the web. OAuth support for the Laserfiche API will enable partners, solution providers and developers to build more secure and robust integrations with Laserfiche Cloud.
> Improved platform performance: On-going backend architecture upgrades will bring an even more powerful, faster and scalable platform that will allow for improved repository search performance and accuracy, even higher uptimes, quicker incident resolution, and more.
Register for the Laserfiche Q3 Updates Overview Webinar – July 13, 2021 (10:00AM)
Laserfiche Recognized as a Strong Performer in Independent Analyst Report on Content Platform Providers
Laserfiche has been named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Content Platforms, Q2 2021. Laserfiche was one of 14 vendors evaluated based on the strength of its strategy and current offering.
Laserfiche earned the highest rating possible in the criteria of Packaged Applications, Developer Support, Content Generation Services and Execution Roadmap. According to the report, “[Laserfiche’s] roadmap and cloud-first product vision equip it to scale into larger enterprises, and its market approach continues to have a programmatic focus on key verticals.”
For more information, download the Forrester Wave: Content Platforms, Q2 2021 at https://info.laserfiche.com/fw
Laserfiche Spark 2021 Registration is Now Open!
Laserfiche’s annual video broadcast Laserfiche Spark will air on Wednesday, August 18th. Join the Atlantic or Pacific coast broadcasts to hear from thought leaders and innovators ready to re-imagine how work gets done.
A sneak peek at the exciting, jam-packed agenda:
> Hear from Dr. Peter Kareiva, CEO of one of America’s most popular aquariums, on re-imagining how his organization fulfills its mission – to build a more sustainable ocean world for all — using big data, technology and community science.
> Learn from e.Republic Deputy Innovation Officer Joe Morris how to reopen for business with confidence – and increase productivity and resiliency in an ever-changing business landscape.
> Join Todd Shanley, CIO of Cabarrus County, NC, for a lively fireside chat on the impact of rethinking your customer experience – and how you can leverage AI and other innovative technologies to provide enhanced services
Position yourself and your organization for success in 2021 and beyond. Learn more here.

Make Scanning Simple with PaperStream ClickScan from Fujitsu
Scan documents in a few steps with this easy-to-use complimentary capture software. For use with Fujitsu fi Series Scanners.
> Easy as 1-2-3: Simple scanning interface with 3-steps: scan, select desitation and save.
> Simple Setup: Install and scan in seconds. No IT personnel required for setup.
> Versatile: Use with fi Series scanners. Perfect for ad hoc scanning in between batches.
> Saves Time: No training or manual required
> Efficient: Preview and save all from one interface.
Watch Video fi Series Software Downloads
New eBook Available
The Business Continuity Playbook for Higher Education
The disruption scale and speed of COVID-19 uncovered the gaps in higher education’s business continuity plans. As post-COVID recovery begins, forward-looking colleges and universities are revisiting their approach to strategically position themselves in a competitive future.
This resource contains a comprehensive business continuity framework and features customer success stories primarily during the COVID-19 crisis. It’ll help with COVID-19 recovery talking points, particularly when discussing Laserfiche benefits aligned with the American Rescue Plan Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund allowable uses.
The Business Continuity Playbook for Higher Education
Upcoming Laserfiche Webinars
Receive insight on:
> Best practices for going paperless
> Records management and compliance
> Strategies to automate business processes
> Integration with line of business applications
Join an upcoming webinar or watch an on-demand webinar now:
July 6, 2021 (11:00 AM) – Confessions from a Laserfiche Administrator
July 21, 2021 (11:00 AM) – Tips and Tricks in Forms
Coming in August:
August 4, 2021 (11:00 AM) – Customer Panel: Conversations About Change Management
Register for Webinars Here
Laserfiche Video Gallery
Laserfiche YouTube Channel
Laserfiche Overview Video
Laserfiche Windows Manual
Laserfiche Scanning Manual
Laserfiche Cloud Manual
Laserfiche Certification
Laserfiche Support Site
Laserfiche Solution Exchange
Laserfiche Answers
Laserfiche Case Studies
Laserfiche Webinars
Laserfiche Resource Center
Knowledge Base Articles
To Our Loyal Customers:
ECS wants to assure our customers that we are available to assist you by phone or remote access for your Laserfiche support and training needs. We are available from 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday. For technical support requests please email [email protected] or call 877-790-1600. We thank you for your loyal support and sincerely appreciate your business. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Corporate Headquarters
5905 Brockton Ave., Suite C
Riverside, CA 92506
Northern California Regional Office
5052 Forni Dr. , Suite A
Concord, CA 94520
(877) 790-1600
(951) 787-8768