October 2023 ECS Imaging Newsletter

Upcoming ECS Events
ECS Imaging’s 21st Annual Conference
The ECS Imaging 21st Annual Conference is now open for registration and we are excited to provide two full days of Laserfiche training in both Southern CA and Northern CA. You can register for just the General Session, just the Technical Session, or both Days for a truly comprehensive training experience provided by the ECS Team. The Training event runs from 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM both days and is complimentary for ECS Customers.

Southern California
Day 1 – General Track: October 18, 2023
Day 2 – Technical Track: October 19, 2023
Southern CA Conference Flyer | Southern CA Conference Agenda
Northern California
Hosted at City of Dublin’s Shannon Community Center
Day 1 – General Track: October 25, 2023
Day 2 – Technical Track: October 26, 2023

Northern CA Conference Flyer | Northern CA Conference Agenda

Free Laserfiche User Training at Val Verde USD
Val Verde USD in Perris, CA and ECS Imaging have collaborated to offer the Laserfiche community at large this free training opportunity. VVUSD has graciously opened up their on-site training room and ECS will be hosting the trainings for any ECS Customer who would like to attend!
The two-hour training session will include the following topics: ▪ Laserfiche Client Navigation
▪ Laserfiche Import and Scanning
▪ Laserfiche Document Viewer
▪ Laserfiche Search and Retrieval
On-site Training Opportunities at Val Verde USD.
Register for November 16, 2023
Register for January 18, 2024
Register for March 14, 2024
Register for May 16, 2024
There is no cost for these training events, but space is very limited. If you would like to attend, please register as soon as possible!
ECS Training Track Resources
ECS Imaging has always provided ongoing education for our customers to maximize the Laserfiche experience. Take advantage of these variety of training avenues compliments of your Valued Added Solution Provider ECS!
ECS Imaging Annual Conference
Laserfiche Empower
Onsite Training
ECS User Groups
ECS Monthly Webinars
Pre-Scheduled Virtual Training
Laserfiche Webinars
ECS Virtual Training
ECS Webinar Library
Aspire Courses
Laserfiche Certification
Video Tutorials
Help Videos
Laserfiche Support Site
E-Books and Guides
Laserfiche Help Files
Laserfiche Answers Blog

Customer Success Story: City of Temecula
Laserfiche Bubbles Over in the Heart of Southern California Wine Country
The City of Temecula is in southwestern Riverside County and serves a population of over 110,000 residents. Known as a tourist and resort destination, Temecula is home to many wineries, golf courses, the Pechanga Resort and Casino, and the Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival.
In the early 2000s, the City of Temecula had amassed hundreds of boxes of unorganized documents. The city quickly recognized the need for a solution and in 2001 ECS installed Laserfiche, the city’s first digital content management system, with 25 Users. The City has come a long way since then, growing with the software over the years and leveraging most of the tools at their disposal.
2024 Important Budgeting Notice
In preparation for next year, Laserfiche has announced starting July 1, 2024 there will be a 5% increase to all modules and user licenses on Perpetual and Site packages. This uplift applies to:
▪ Laserfiche Teams and United LSSP
▪ Laserfiche Rio and Avante software and LSSP
▪ Municipal Site packages (Cloud and Self-Hosted Subscription)
This price increase is being imposed by Laserfiche. It has not been announced to the public yet officially, but we are trying to provide you a heads up, to you our valued customer in the meantime. Our Customer Success Team will be in touch soon to consult on the best options and added value available for your organization.
What’s New in Laserfiche Cloud
Laserfiche Cloud ISO 27001:2022 Certification – Laserfiche has received the ISO 27001:2022 certification for its information security management system that includes self-hosted and Laserfiche Cloud products. The ISO 27001:2022 certificate was issued by MSECB, an authorized certification body. The certificate is available for download at the Trust and Security page here. The press release for Laserfiche achieving the certification is here.
Expanded Regional Settings Support – Laserfiche has expanded Spanish and French language support to all aspects of the Laserfiche suite, specifically those areas focused on designer and administrator roles. Administrators can set a default language and region for their organization in the Settings section of the Account Administration page. In addition, users can configure their own language and region settings in My Account.
Forms Reporting Improvements – Search has been enhanced in Forms Reporting. A new ‘All Versions’ option lets you search for all data for a process instead of just data related to a specific version of a process. When searching by version, more version information is now available, such as the version’s publish date and current running instances.
Workflow Update – Using the Search Repository activity, Workflow now lets you search for an empty metadata field. This lets you now quickly identify fields with missing metadata and use Workflow to automatically fill out those fields.
Layout Designer Enhancements – Field masks help users filling out forms to enter data in the correct format. For example, a field mask can ensure that a telephone number is formatted with the area code in parentheses and with a dash between the third and fourth numbers.
Expanding on table and collection field search, a new field search option with condition logic lets you filter tables and collections to more easily find information in them.
Account Administration – Users with the Account Administration access right can review the Laserfiche Cloud subscription agreement from the Settings page’s Profile tab.
New Import Agent and Email Archive Version – Import Agent and Email Archive have been updated with performance enhancements, quality of life improvements, new options for generating Laserfiche pages from PDFs and more. See below for release notes and list of changes.
Solution Templates – A new Auto Insurance Claims Process expedites claims processing, starting from the submission by claimants, then proceeding with review and approval by claims adjusters and concluding with claims settlement.
New Import Agent 11 Release for Cloud & Self-Hosted!
Import Agent 11 has been released! Check out the release notes and list of changes for more detailed information.
Highlights of this release includes:
* Improved PDF file processing and page generation
* Improvements to Email Archive like enabling and disabling individual profiles or saving incomplete configurations
* Bug fixes and improvement for EML metadata, tokens and more
Self-Hosted Updates
* SAML single logout support
* Mobile app updates
* Larger release coming next year
Save the Date for Laserfiche Empower 2024 in Las Vegas
Laserfiche Empower 2024 will be held in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino April 22-25, 2024. Registration will open November 1st. Please mark your calendars and save the date. We’re looking forward to seeing you in fabulous Las Vegas!
Laserfiche Wins Eighth WealthManagement.com Industry Award
Laserfiche has been honored with its eighth WealthManagement.com Industry Award (the “Wealthies”) in the Technology Providers – Document Management category for its innovative intelligent capture capabilities. Laserfiche’s intelligent data capture empowers organizations to unlock valuable information by efficiently processing high volumes of content, extracting structured and unstructured data, and automatically organizing files. This prestigious award recognizes our unwavering commitment to helping organizations in the most highly regulated industries enhance client experiences, reduce operational costs, and address evolving compliance requirements.
New Course Available: Repository User Management
Laserfiche is excited to announce the launch of a new course: Repository User Management. This eLearning course can be accessed in Aspire, at no cost. Course Description: In this course, you will learn how to configure repository settings for users and groups. This course is based on Laserfiche Cloud and the content also applies to Laserfiche 11.
Course Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to:
* Understand the differences between account administration and repository administration
* Configure feature rights and privileges for users and groups
* Modify repository group settings such as watermarks and security tags
* Identify auditing capabilities and how to log specific events
Course Length: 11 minutes
If you have any questions, you can reach us at [email protected]